Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Salt and Light

"You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world." Matthew 5:13-14

I finally had the time to watch the webcast of sermons I missed past two weeks for A1:8. I am co-leading a group called Nightingale NE and this group is about 'reaching out to those who can't reach us with love, comfort and basic needs.' The desire to minister to patients and hospital staffs grew out of passion that God placed in my heart and my co-leader's heart. I have experience being the patient in the hospital and there were times when I felt lonely when people did not come visit me while I was recovering from some surgery I had for my burn scars. I got my fair share of hospital stays and going to check-up visits when I wasn't an inpatient. Even amidst being at the hospital a lot, I also had fair share of being at school or trying to catch up on assignments I missed by staying after school. I did not get to do a lot of sport activities due to limitations from surgeries I was recovering at that particular time; however, I was active in various extra-curricular activities. I did not exactly fit in at school because I guess I strive to live a life that radiate Christ. Don't get me wrong, I have my struggles and failures in my life. I think from a young age, my family placed great importance of having Christ in my life and living out my faith. I still try to figure out what it means to be a 'salt' and 'light' for Kingdom of God. Me, smallest and least in the Kingdom of God if there ever be one, loved by the Creator God for being me. How can a Big God love me? And, how can God love this world so much that He would send His One and Only Son, Jesus? Why did Jesus make a huge sacrifice and give us gift of grace? How come Holy Spirit lives within us when we accept Jesus in our lives? There are so many questions and I am forever a student desiring to know Him better. I was very impressed to learn that there is 14,000 uses for salt and light is basis of everything. How could I ever be the 'salt' and 'light' in this world? I am not sure. This year God put a challenge within me to love my neighbor as myself and to love someone even if that person does not love me back or love someone who least expect it. Progress of this challenge, let's just say, I am struggling and trying to figure out what loving my neighbor looks like. Jesus made it look easy to love people; however, I think that it was lot harder than I imagine for Jesus. I mean, Jesus loved all kinds of people even people who did not love Him back. Jesus loved, loves and will love people and He does not care who that person is or was or will be. Agape, unconditional love. I think as humans, it's not very possible unless that person has Jesus in his or her life. Whether we like it or not, there's always some kind of condition to being loved or giving love. For instance, parents expect their children to do well in school and grow up to be something worthy to the society. Friends expect trust, honesty, love, loyalty and other qualities depending on that friend. There's condition that's visible and invisible. However, God's love, it's unconditional. Amazing Grace! Amazing Love! What I cannot do by myself, God can. God can use me to love people when least expected. God can encourage someone by giving me the words or listening ears for that person. God can. What is impossible with me, it's possible with God. Being 'salt and light', I am not sure I can be just that but with God, I can be just that. I am excited about what God will do through and in my life. I am so excited about what God will do through and in the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am super excited about what God will do in the present and in the future. I am thankful for the followers of Christ before me who lived their lives to be the 'salt and light' in this dark world. I desire to be more like Christ and walk with Him wherever He leads me. I want to be His 'salt and light' in this world. I am little and small but I have a great and big God who can do more than I can imagine with my life. Thank you LORD for who you are and what you have done, is doing and will do. May Christ radiate in your life and lavish His love upon you! Thanks for reading!

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