Monday, February 2, 2009

In God...Greater Things

This past weekend, I had the great privilege of attending NCC leadership retreat and its theme was Greater Things. The retreat was so challenging and inspiring for me. To be frank, I wasn't sure I was qualified or had second thoughts about leading a small group; however, I realized that God uses unexpected people such as Moses, Joseph, Mary, Peter and Paul, just to name a few people in the Bible. So, I am really not great with words and I get nervous talking to people if I don't know them very well. I have a fear of speaking front of people and I can't talk to multi-people at one time. I am more of an one on one or small group person. Yes, I am social but to certain extent. I am only social around people I already know or people at church but other than that, I am really shy around people I don't know very well. I get fumbled when I am speaking to someone I may not know very well or I talk really fast due to nervousness. I think I still have a tendency to please people and try to say the right things but I realized that some people are going to like me for who I am and some people will dislike me no matter what I do. So, this weekend at the retreat, I had a conviction confirmed from God and He has placed in my heart that in 2009, He wants me to love people more without any expectation of receiving that love back. I think God really wants to drill this concept of love in my heart and really live it out. I can't do this by myself but with God, anything is possible and I am praying that He will give me the love to love people and be okay with not getting the love back. To love without strings attached and to love knowing that I may not receive that love back. To put my faith in Him rather than doing it on my own. To set my eyes on Christ and not giving up when it's hard. God will do greater things and I am excited that I get to be part of what God wants to do through me. I feel like I do not have much but God will use my skills, talents and gifts. One of the way I show my love is through my giving not just financially but with time and effort. That's how I say to my friends that I care about them and I make effort to hang out with my friends or send them encouragement or support them financially if they are going on a mission trip. I know that God will provide and what I have will go toward investing in some one's life for His Kingdom. God will use the little I give for greater things. How amazing is that! We have a big God. God who loves us so much that He would show the greatest love of all by sending His Son, Jesus, to die for our sin and Jesus overcame death so that we may live. We have Holy Spirit who is our Counselor and Guide. What a Great God we serve! Lately, I have times when I felt discouraged and down; however, I keep going because of Him who gives me joy and peace. Without Him, I am nothing and what I have is His. Thanks to Him who is Everlasting and Eternal! 

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me." -John 14:1

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I agree with you 100%. We are to live as he wants us to and not expect anything in return. Our reward is knowing the good that we are doing.
