Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lent Season

I'm sorry I haven't written in my blog for some time. Life just been crazy busy and I was stressing more than I should have these past weeks. Now, I feel like I can somewhat breath and not stress about the small stuff. In a week, my team (1st trip group) will be heading over to Ethiopia. I can't believe we'll be actually be there in a week! God has been so good and provided so much for me since I said 'I will go'. The hardest part in preparation for this trip has been spiritual warfare. There were lots of people who were questioning why I was going to Ethiopia and even my parents was wondering if this was the right time to go. Fear has been constantly been put into my heart; yet, God has taken that fear out and put in peace. God has continually reminded me that if I go, He'll take care of the rest. Even though I may not have enough love to give, God overwhelms me with love that I can't help loving on people. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I don't want to love someone who has made my life more difficult than they should or treat me in a way that hurts my feelings. However, I remember that Jesus loved everyone and He commanded His disciples to love your enemies. What a challenging commandment! 
Yesterday, I had the great opportunity to attend an Ash Wednesday worship service at a church with two of my favorite people! I am so glad I went to the service because I was able to learn more about what Lent was all about. In the bulletin, it said "Lent begins with a solemn call to fasting and repentence as we begin our journey to the baptismal waters of Easter....During Lent the people of God will reflect on the meaning of their baptism into Christ's death and resurrection." That challenged me about my fasting for Lent and what I will add into my life. For Lent, I am giving up Facebook and Twitter. I was just going to do one or the other but due to both features being connected, I wanted to give up both so I will not be tempted to check one or the other. My reasons for giving these up is simple. Facebook and Twitter has consumed me with spending a lot of time when I could be doing something more productive. Since I am subtracting Facebook and Twitter, I am adding more time of prayer in my life. I was talking to a friend about prayer and he pointed out that he talked to God while he's walking to places. I absolutely agree with that and I do that too. I don't think prayer should be just one time deal for the whole day but I see prayer as continually being in communication with God. However, I am setting a time of prayer for myself just to seek His face and have a time of self-reflection. I especially need this time of prayer with upcoming trip to Ethiopia. While I feel confident in the Lord about going, I still have moments when I struggle if I really should be going or should be in states, trying to find a permanent job. I am so weak, yet He is so strong. I trust and pray that God will use both of our teams in Ethiopia for His glory. I pray that you all will draw closer to Christ in this Lent season. Thanks for reading! 

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