Sunday, July 11, 2010

Season of Learning

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." Psalm 27:14

It's been a while since I last wrote an blog entry and I feel like it was just yesterday when it was the start of the new year. Last month was my one year anniversary working in my current position at my company. I am getting in the work routine and slowly what I am doing at my job is not as challenging as I first started. I am grateful to be working especially in this economy but I just feel like I could be doing something more with my skills, talents and gifts. However, in my heart, I feel a tug that saying I need to wait. Although, I may not know the role that my current job position will play in the future, I will continue to learn much as possible until I am called do something else. A phrase that really stuck out to me in this weekend's Pastor Mark's message was 'every opportunities is a preparation for the future.' Right now, I feel like I am stuck and wish I knew what exactly God is calling me to do in life. I have this sense of wanting to jump into something new but I also have this conflicting side of me that says I need to learn to be patient. I think learning to wait is a constant lesson I am faced with since I graduated from college. I think God is trying to teach me to trust Him and rely on Him more than anything else in this world. I am learning that I may work hard and strive to give it 200% in my job; however, I need to let God direct me rather than me trying to take action on my own. I am stubborn and independent when it comes to asking for help. These days, I feel like I ask God for help so much. Part of me want to hold on to being stubborn and independent but I know that I need to let go and let God work within and through me. I am also learning that I am human being and I cannot constantly keep myself busy. I need to stop and breath. I am learning to take one day at a time and not try to finish everything that day. God is so gracious and patient with me. He demonstrates His love over and over again but I seem to need that reminder over and over again. My prayer is that I will learn to wait for the LORD and patiently learn the lessons He has for me. Also, I pray that He will teach me to love people as He loves us first. So much to learn and so much to soak in all the lessons. I am very thankful for the opportunity to learn and all the people who are in my life to help me with the lessons. May God give you the opportunities to learn and give you joy in your life! Thanks for reading!

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