Sunday, April 5, 2009

Loving my "Neighbors"

I love Sundays. I love going to church and being with my community (brothers and sisters in Christ). Even though I went to the worship service yesterday, I went to church this morning to teach little kids (4-5 year old) and then wait to meet up with small group that meets for lunch after church. So, after lunch, I strolled (walked) toward the Tidal Basin to check out the Cherry Blossoms since I lived around DC area for 2 and coming to 3 years this fall. Confession time, I don't like large crowds of people and I especially don't like when people block my way when I am trying to walk somewhere. I am clausophobic to a point and I need some space between people. I just don't like to be so close that people bump into me or touch me accidentally. So, I did make it to the Tidal Basin and saw the Cherry Blossoms. There was lots of people and I felt stressed getting out of the crowd. Instead of enjoying the Cherry Blossoms, I felt like I needed to just get away from the large crowd. I don't think I will be going anywhere near Tidal Basin until the Cherry Blossoms are no more.  I think this is dork coming out of me but I had this thought in my head...I went (to the Tidal Basin), I saw (the Cherry Blossoms), I am done (with being anywhere near Tidal Basin). After the Cherry Blossoms sighting, I sat on a bench around the National Mall and had time to read/ponder about who is my "neighbors"? Lately, I been agitated and easily irritated by people I encounter or interact in my everyday life. From my friends to the homeless people on the street to co-workers, I have to honest, some days I just want to respond in a way that I don't think is anywhere close to following the "love your neighbor" or "love your enemies"command by Jesus. Maybe I don't show it or maybe I do but I am striving my best to love the best that I know how but I fail miserably each day and I need prayers that I will love not out of myself but Christ will radiate His love through me. Why is it so hard to love my "neighbors" and especially my "enemies"? I am struggling with loving people like Jesus did and I just want to give up on this whole concept but I remember that my "neighbors" are not just my friends or the next door person but it's also my brothers and sisters in Christ, homeless people, roommates and people I encounter each day. I realize that I can't pick and choose who I love and there is no favoritism in Christ. Who did I loved yesterday? Who am I loving today? Who will I love tomorrow? I hope I say that I loved, love and will love people that Jesus loved, love and will love each and everyday. May love of God overwhelm you today and forever. Thanks for reading! 

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