Monday, April 20, 2009

Stressed or Worried or Both?

To be honest, I am stressed about all that is going on in my life especially trying to figure out what God wants me to do with my life. I think people notice when I am stressed even though I try to mask it as much as possible. One of my sister in Christ asked me how I was doing and that I looked stressed. I admitted I was stressed but also tried to detract from this and said it will be okay. Then, she didn't let me off the hook and told me that I should not worry. She got to the heart of the matter...I was stressed because I am worried about the outcome of the job interview I had last week and I am worried about losing friendships. Lately, I feel drained and exhausted from doing so much; yet, I want to do all of them because I want to be spend quality time with my friends. I think the best way to know someone is spending time with the person and I try to do just that but it's so hard with every one's schedule and also I have my role in being busy as well. I get so consumed by what I am doing at the moment that sometimes, I forget the reason behind what I am doing. Today at work, I got to talk with a co-worker that I usually don't talk to very much. Listening to her stories, I was honored to hear what all she had to say and I listened more than I talked because I felt like there was so much I could learn from her. I think hearing my co-worker tell her stories was the best part of my working today. Here I am stressed and worrying about a job and here is my co-worker who tells me that she lived through being hungry and poor when she was younger. I am so focused on the little things in life that I forget that this life is not about the little things but what God has in stored for my life. So, I came into Alpha pretty stressed and top it off with trying to set up for the dinner; however, I realized that I do not need to worry as my sister in Christ has told me tonight. One final thing before I end this blog, my co-leader for the small group for Alpha, has blessed me so much with her encouraging act of inviting a customer at the church coffeehouse to Alpha. Due to being stressed, I didn't want to deal with the customer coming down to the basement where Alpha occurs and my co-leader started talking to the customer. And the customer not only watched the video but participated in the discussion afterward. How awesome is our God! I am amazed and awe of Him who can do all thing, even the ones that is humanly impossible becomes possible. I mean, look at me, when I was burned and the doctors thought I was going to die, God took me out of the coma and gave me life. I am living proof of what Christ has done through me and I am so grateful for all that He has done in my life. So far so God. Without Him, I would not be here in DC and I want to live for Him with all of my being.  Everything I once held dear seems meaningless if Christ is not in it. Thank you for reading and may Christ dwell in your heart abundantly! 
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." -Matthew 6:33

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