Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quarter-Life Crisis???

"Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!"Psalm 27:14

Since I had my birthday not too long ago (a week to be exact), I have been questioning myself on what I am doing with my life and how is my life advancing the Kingdom of God. It's been quite a struggle, least to say. I feel like there's more to life than being in the office and attending events that related to my passion. I want to get out and do something about my passion. I don't want to be mediocre and be safe. I want to be extraordinary and be in adventures. I hear about what other people are doing with their lives and I am amazed by what they are doing with their lives. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy living my life but I feel restless and antsy about being too comfortable. For most people, having routine and schedule are normal; however, for me, I like being thrown off my routine and schedule once in a while to keep me on my feet. I am realizing that more I read about what is going around the world and around the nation, more I am repulsed by what the world says to do. Success is measured in monetary term or the status in society as viewed by the world. As for me, I don't want to be successful by the worldly standards, rather, I want God to say "Min, you are my good and faithful servant" who lived my life for Him. My life motto is to love God and love people. By the way, loving people is hard especially when there are times when people refuse my love or hurt me in one form or another and also I have hard time loving someone who may annoy or make me upset from words or actions. Jesus said to love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength and second to love my neighbors as myself. Who are my neighbors? I ask myself that a lot lately and Jesus went further and said to love my enemies. Now, it's getting more difficult. I don't mind loving my sisters and brothers in Christ and I don't mind loving my friends and family; but, to love my enemies. Wait a minute, I don't know, it's not what the world says to do. The world and the society tells me to get revenge and it's okay to dislike someone. However, that's not what Jesus told us, He said to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. I think about all the brothers and sisters in Christ who live in various parts of the world and the persecution they receive because they are followers of Christ. I look at my life and see how it's pretty easy to be a Christian here in United States. By no means, being follower of Christ is not easy to say the least. More I strive to live by following Christ, the more difficulty I run into in my life. The world says to have financial security and high positions in your career field. As a young child and even now as young adult, I was not obsessed with obtaining the 'American Dream'. I want to get married someday and have a family; however, if being single is what God wants me to be right now, I am okay with that. I want to have job security; however, if that is not in God's will, then I am okay with that too. God is teaching me lesson in waiting and being patient with my life. He is teaching me to be content with whatever situation I am in right now whether that be in work or social life or church. As someone who is recovering people-pleaser and impatient person, the lessons I am learning are hard to apply in my life and I constantly struggle with what I am learning from God. I am thankful that even though I struggle, He picks me up daily and whispers to me to never give up. Constant reminder I get my heart is that I am daughter of most High King and I need to act like it. Even though I may not be beautiful outwardly, I want to be beautiful inwardly and be beautiful for my God who loves me even with all my flaws. Jesus didn't died on the cross because He wanted to to die. Jesus died on the cross to reconcile us to God and showed the greatest act of love that ever was in this world. I am in awe of the Grace and Mercy He demonstrates to us daily. Unfailing Love without strings attached. Unconditional Love that we can't comprehend. What a Amazing God we have! Amazing Grace! Thanks for reading and may love of God overwhelm you today!

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