Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'll be honest. Lately, I just been facing a lot of discouragements and disappointments. It's just not from people bring me down but it's also from myself. Remember, I am a recovering people-pleaser (maybe still am) and when I don't meet the expectation of giving the best to my work or to people, I just get discouraged knowing that I failed even though usually I am just underestimating myself and this usually leads to self-disappointment. However, I am learning that it's not about what I can do but what God can do through and in me. Denying the self from being the center of attention and putting Christ the focus of my life. While I have been having this season of discouragements and disappointment, God has been so faithful in refilling me with encouragement through His Word and His people. Just the other day, this man showed me kindness by going out of his way to do something that he didn't have to do. Or when one of my favorite friend from church in the whole world helped with cooking dinner. And then I love when I see my friends whom I have not seen for a long time! One of my favorite friend came to visit and is staying for few days in DC. I love staying up (I wish I could have stayed up longer though) and we had a great conversation that encouraged me so much! I am realizing it's the simple act of kindness and word that really encourage me. As I prepare my heart and get ready for Ethiopia, I pray that I can be encouragement for someone who need it right now in his or her life. Thanks for all your prayers and may you experience God's great love! Thanks for reading!

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