Thursday, December 11, 2008

Love for Ethiopia

I'm not good with words, but here's me trying.

For a while, I wanted to go on a mission trip with National Community Church. I love mission and spreading love to people who are culturally, economically, socially, politically, and/or religiously differ in view from me. I love the concept of mission and being 'hands and feet' for Christ. I think what kept me from going on a mission trip is the financial aspect. Not having a permanent job makes it hard for me to go even though God always provides the money. I been to mission trip to Europe, Eurasia, Mexico, and various US cities but I have yet to go on mission to South America, Asia, and Africa. Yes, I was born in South Korea and visited my great birth country but I would love to go to other Asian countries other than South Korea. Even though I don't have much to give, I want to share the love that God has shown me through and through. So, I debated and talked to my family and friends about going on a mission trip. I did not know where or when or how I was going to raise the money but I trusted God that He will work out the details. When NCC announced the A1:8 (Acts 1:8) mission trips, I was so excited that there were many opportunities to go whether here in US or out of the country. After that, I started praying and asked God to put a passion in my heart for a country He wants me to go to. And He did. I originally wanted to go on the Thailand mission trip; however, I just started a new job and the timing was not right so I did not get to go on this mission trip (See "Girl" documentary, forever changed my view). One of my life goals/dreams is to go to Africa and love on people who may not receive the love I have received all my life. I know what it's like to be on the outside and be mocked and teased because of my appearance. I do not think I would be who I am now if I did not have Christ in my heart. So, Africa. Where to? I started to read up on the different mission trips that NCC was planning to do and I saw Ethiopia. Ethiopia. I heard much about this country from the news and love the food but I do not know much about the people. So, I began looking up information about Ethiopia and went to the informational meeting for the Ethiopia mission trip that is occurring March 2009. Initially, the focus for this mission trip was to work with people with AIDS/HIV who live in Entoto Mountain; however, due to the size of the group (two groups now!), there may be other projects we will be helping Beza in Addis Ababa. I am so excited about what God will do there! Going back to informational meeting, after hearing the potential for this trip, I knew that this was where I was going. I am nervous about going but I will not fear because if God is for us, who is against us? Since there are two groups, I am in the earlier group that is going March 6-16th, 2009 (or tentatively scheduled). It's coming up soon and I am having multiple emotional states these days from being excited to being stressed about the job situation. God is good, all the time and I know that He will work out everything. So, would you pray for me? I need all the support I can get and I really appreciate your prayers. I will try to keep up with this blog and update you on Ethiopia. Thanks for reading!

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