Monday, January 5, 2009


Past few days, I have not been taking care of myself well. Physically, I have yet to sleep 7 or 8 hours a night. Emotionally, I feel overwhelmed by all the things I am doing or have to get done. Outwardly, I look fine but inwardly I am just exhausted. Even though I had two week of vacation in Texas, I feel like I did not get enough rest and relaxation that I should have taken advantage while at home in Texas. I am realizing that I perform much better when I feel well rested and also I think I will make more sense when I talk. I felt like I was just spitting out words when I was talking to someone today and I was talking little bit too fast. I think I need to just take a day off when I do absolutely nothing. I think I do a lot and while I try to do less of unnecessary activities, I cannot sit still without having to do something. I am learning to be okay with doing less and being still when needed. I think this is part of my impatience. I want to get whatever task or assignment completed even though I have plenty of time to get it done. I think my impatience also affects how much I want to spend time with my friends. I desire to hang out with my friends so much that I forget about having a time for myself. Self-care. That's something I need to do more since I tend to forget that my body and mind need to have some time to rest and relax. I admit I have workaholic tendency and I am trying to cut down on how much I work. I get so into my work that sometimes I just stay at the office longer than I should be or get to the office before anyone else is there. This is something I will continue to work on this year. I think I do more to fill the void of being alone and this causes me to fill up my time with some activity. What is my intention and motivation in doing? I hope that I have good intentions and motivations with my time rather than doing something for the sake of doing. I love spending time with people and I love to give of myself. But what good is this when I am not taking care of myself? As much as I want to do more, I think I will be better off if I do little bit less of doing and do more of what I can do to love like Christ. So I am going to be honest and say I feel exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. I think I may have to take it easy and do less. To take care of myself so that I can love and serve better. Not get so caught up working and taking break during the day. Taking naps when I feel tired. Exercising and being more healthy with what I eat. To do less and be still in the LORD. I pray that you will find rest in Christ and not do so much like I do. Thanks for reading! 

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

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