Tuesday, January 13, 2009


"This is what the LORD says: 'Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed." -Isaiah 56:1 

I was wondering about what it means to be a hero. Does being a hero mean a person has to be famous? Or does being a hero mean having qualities that other people do not have? What makes a hero a hero? To me, a hero is someone who loves the LORD with all of his or her heart, soul, mind and strength, who advocates for those who do not have a voice, act justly, love beyond him or herself, promote welfare of others, give generously not just financially but with time and effort, do something beautiful for someone, forgive more than one can count and strive to be the best he or she can be each day. Jesus is my ultimate hero. He demonstrated what it means to be a hero and yet, He humbled Himself and served others. Jesus could have exalted Himself and have fame during His time; however, He spent time with people who were the least and He even washed His disciples' feet. What a perfect example of a hero! As human, I am not sure I can be a hero like Jesus. I strive to follow Jesus in every way; however, I fail at it without Him. I consider my grandfather my hero because he lived his life for Christ and followed hard after Him. My grandfather radiated Christ love toward people and sought out justice whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, my grandfather was just a human too and I am sure he had his flaw, but stories I have heard about my grandfather only points to the love of Jesus that made my grandfather the way he was toward people. Another heroes are my mom and dad. My parents used to live a secular life before my accident and now they are sold out for Christ. My parents loves the LORD and serves His church with passion and enthusiasm. So, when I am home in Texas, I feel like I do not get to see them much if their church has revivals or events that they may be serving at whether that be prayer meetings or singing in the choir. Yes, my parents are in the church choir and I think that's why I love to sing especially hymns. I also consider my mentor my hero. I have a mentor whom I look up to and every time I see her, I can see Christ love in her life. That being said, hero does not have to be famous to be a hero or even be a celebrity. I see a hero when that person act in a way that radiates Christ love and love people even when they are not lovable or cannot return the love. I see a hero in a someone when he or she fights for the weak, defend those who are vulnerable and demand justice. I think that most heroes I know would not consider themselves as heroes and with humility would tell me that they are just following Jesus' example.  I have a lot of heroes in my life who love the LORD and serve Him with their lives. I am very thankful that God has given me heroes in my life who love Him and serve Him in their lives. What makes me the person I am now? Heroes who believed in me and invested in my life. The love of Christ that overwhelms me each day. Without Christ, I am nothing and I do not have a meaning to my life. However, Christ lives in me and fills me with His love. What a Savior we have! I hope that you can be a hero to someone as my heroes were to me. Thanks for reading! 

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

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